Monday, July 28, 2008


How is it that my 4 1/2 yr old knows so much? Did we really teach him this all? It never fails... 11:39pm, mommy is drifting off to sleep (finally)and from out of nowhere I hear, "Mom, why did God create Hell?" Ok, now there's a deep question I want to answer in the midst of going into a deep sleep! I promise him, "honey, go to sleep and mommy will have a good answer for you in the morning". "But mom, I want to know now". CALGON TAKE ME AWAY!!!!! Just the night before, as I was rocking him, I asked "Son, please don't grow up so fast". His reply...."Mom, I'm not God, and I can't control that. If you don't get it, you might need to talk to Pastor Mike". NO HE DIDN't! Yeah, he really did. I have to get up early to get ahead of this one! What does this lead me to suspect about the baby--- He's already doing EVERYTHING his big brother does- I'm definitely in trouble!!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

It's Official!!!!

What a perfect day! Yesterday, July 11, 2008 was honestly one of the most perfect days I have ever experienced. After 9 months of anticipation, we headed off to court to finalize our son's adoption. We had family there, we had friends there, we had our amazing little boys there. PERFECT! Our judge was in such a jovial mood and he was so complimentary of our family, our values, our beliefs, etc... It was definitely not your normal "courthouse" experience. It was a HAPPY day. We are officially family forever and always! Our two boys will hopefully realize one day what this day meant for us. We love them so much, and we thank God daily for them. God blessed us with revealing "our purpose" to be these two precious boys parents. I can not fathom the love God must have for me, knowing it is so much more than I have for my sons. I can honestly say I could not love them more had they been flesh of my flesh... After court, our day was just "normal" (what exactly is normal?) up until family picture time and our big PARTY! Pictures were fun and I can't wait to share them. The party was as everything else in the day PERFECT! The people that came and shared with us were all there because they loved us and wanted to celebrate with us. They all love our sons. How much more could we possibly ask for? This journey that started July 1, 1992, when I met my amazing hubby, could not have gone in a more correct path than this. Is it over? Definitely not! The journey has just begun. The love, parenting, fun, adventures, memories are just starting. Really, they just got their official "green light" yesterday. Would I do it again? WITHOUT A DOUBT! Adoption has changed our lives forever. We are a family! We have two amazing beautiful sons whom I'm pretty sure love us just as much as we do them. Funny question- Judge Woods asked "do you feel your family has bonded". Um well.... As I looked out in the courtroom, there's my husband, holding our 4 1/2 year old whose playing with daddy's ear. On the other leg, our 9 month, both hands wrapped around the 4 1/2 year olds head, as he lickes on his nose- ummm.... YEAH, we've bonded! I love my family. I have an amazing husband, and two gorgeous sons! God must really love me!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

A Mom's Prayer ( I finally get it!)

Seems like I have never prayed more in my life than since becoming a mother. Everything I now do, revolves around "Lord, take care of them". I never used to worry about taking long car trips, being in large crowds, being away from home for long periods of time, or anything like that. Now it seems like the least little thing evokes a prayer for my children. Now that's not a bad thing! I decided yesterday, I have to have a little more faith. After leaving on an afternoon outing with his Nonna, I suddenly had an unexplained fear that something was wrong with my precious 4 yr. old. I knew who he was with, supposedly where he was (they took a side trip, as Nonna's like to do), and when I would see him, but suddenly, my heart was gripped with fear for his safety. After several attempts on the cell phone, I resorted (which should have been my first response) to praying. My prayer was simple "Lord, he's in Your hands, protect him". An understanding of my mother's repeated cries that "I just can't sleep when your out late" or "I worry about you when your not home" suddenly hit me square between the eyes. Is that how she felt? EXACTLY! After my prayer, I had immediate peace. Of course, all was fine, and my little angel was having a ball with his Nonna. I am so thankful for the endless prayers my mom prayed for me, and I now am so much more understanding of the feelings she had. Thank you Lord for the opportunity to be a mother and for a loving Christian mom who taught me the importance of being a Godly example to my children. Help me be a the kind of Mom you want me to be and always trust You to take care of my little boys!
*Walk with your eyes open, live a life examined; abide in Christ so that you can see with the eyes of Christ all the chances you have to change the world one obedient opportunity at a time.

Our Family

Our Family
We are so blessed!
