Friday, December 23, 2011

The Great Big Year End Celebration

This is an AMAZING giveaway for photographers. Go to the link above and follow the instructions! What a way to end the year! All photographers could use this stuff! It's a plethera of good stuff!

Good luck, but hope I win!! :) LOTS OF LOVE! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

God has led us through His word!

Following vacation, you would say I should be relaxed, but I wasn't. Things still weren't normal! We still were "floundering"... We just didn't know what we were supposed to do about church, and what God's will was. Well He showed up, and showed out! We went back to the church Christopher was insisting on, and it was again, GREAT! However, my question was "how do I make a decision, when my husband can't go to church with me?" How do we do this. My answer came in the form of an "old" friend. She attends the church and is leaving this Sunday to go on a Mission Trip to Guana. (SN: please be in prayer for the Guana Mission Team). She came up to me just bubbling over and insisted that Fred and I must visit her small group on Tuesday night. Ok, let me just say, this was not a step I was ready to take. NO, NO, NO! I said yes on the outside, but my insides screamed "NO! I can't do this! I can't do it, I don't want to!". Reluctantly I talked to Fred about it and he said "let's try it". It was on a night he was off and at the Pastor's house, so it was a way he could find out about the church and meet the pastor, etc.... Well.... all I can say is WOW! What a blessing we received. The small group was exactly what we were looking for. The people there were uplifting, godly, understanding, above all strong Christians who wanted us to join with them and grow the kingdom of God! We were overwhelmed at some of the issues we had dealt with in the past at other churches and in general that were brought up and discussed and how the leader of the group led us back to the Bible and ultimately back to God each time. I left with a smile from the inside out! Fred was equally happy! We never felt like when we went through such a horrible situation at our past church that God would lead us here. We knew He had a plan, we just didn't know He would reveal it so quickly. He lead us 1. Through a terrible situation (because He knows the plans He has for us Jeremiah 29:11). 2. Through our child, and us being sensitive to his needs (and a little child shall lead them Isaiah11:6). 3. Through our godly steadfast friends (because, but there is a friend who sticketh closer than a brother. Proverbs 18 verse 24). Ultimately, he led us through His word! We are so excited to see what happens next! God is AWESOME all the time! And by the way, I'm relaxed now!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Where I'm at (or where am I?)

I seem to be floundering... partly in due to a debilitating headache for the past 3 days. I've lost my sense of "what i'm doing", but in honesty, I think it's the calmness of life! The drama is gone, the craziness and hectic parts of my last 6 years has passed and i'm kind of at a loss for what's next. I know God has a purpose and a plan. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Christopher is pushing hard for us to go to one specific new church. Should I listen to him? That's what my parents did and it was the best decision for me. I on the other hand, want to visit one more. BUT.... Is it for selfish reasons???? Am I trying to get back what I feel I lost? I really didn't lose anything, I gained tons. I gained my family's respect, I gained time with my family, I gained an awareness of what ministry is and what it is not! Christopher has truly excelled away from the madness and drama of what where I was turned me into. He has had a very impressive summer with basketball
camp, and landing two solos in music camp next month. We leave for the beach with friends and family this weekend. Life is good, so why am I so torn. I need to turn back to the Word and let God lead the way. I think I've gone back to trying to figure things on my own, and I've already proved that doesn't work! That's my rambling for the night. I'm going to go to bed and lay it at the foot of the Cross. God knows.... He knows! Peace is what I need, and He is the only one who can give it to me!!!! Thankful for my blog and my blog buddies who always direct me back on the right path. I don't feel so conflicted any more. Somehow writing it all out gives me a much clearer picture of what I'm here for and why! My God, My family, and my friends! That's it! That's where I'm at!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My baby's "trials"

So in a previous blog, i alluded to "trials" with Christopher. First grade was a tough year. It started out easy enough with a FABULOUS teacher and right where we left off at Kindergarten. However, it wasn't long before he started getting in trouble for talking. What? My child, talking.... NO, say it ain't so!!!!! Yep, he's all mine. Then we started noticing he was having trouble reading. What was once coming so easy, was suddenly like pulling teeth. Each night ended in tears for one or both of us. We spent the whole year working with his teacher, the reading teacher, the pediatrician, etc... the words ADD, Learning Disorder, Dyslexia, etc...all floated around, but none stuck. None fit! I had been around kids with all of these and it just didn't seem right. The school nurse tested his hearing and eyes. Hearing was perfect and his eyes tested at 20/20 and 20/30. One day, while taking Halie to get her new glasses, I mentioned to our friend David Oliver, what the eye exam revealed. He said to me that it was possible that the 20/30 eye could be just enough to be causing a problem and it wouldn't hurt to do just a simple eye exam. I scheduled it right away. The last day of school saw us in the eye doctors office. He tested 20/20 in both eyes and the doc looked puzzled. Then in my explanation he caught something. It seemed when the reading teacher would cover all but one line, Christopher could read perfectly. When she uncovered it and he would see the whole page his eyes just could not focus. The wise doc, Scott Oliver, immediately ordered another instrument be brought in and saw that Christopher's muscle in his eye was going spastic every time it tried to focus on a whole page. This brought us to another day of tests. This time was much more "painful" for he and I both. We had to begin dilating his eyes the night before. The muscle had to be totally paralyzed. The drops burned! We "dropped" his eyes 3 times before his appointment the next day and when we went in, he was very farsighted. To our amazement, this was his problem. He could not focus. Not mentally, but visually! He now has glasses and is starting tutoring to catch up on his reading, but the doc says he could gain a whole level this summer because now he should be able to focus! I'm so glad I did not accept those labels and neither did his teacher or his pediatrician. We all worked together to find an answer. God is awesome and answered our prayers for our precious Christopher. I can't wait to hear him reading his little heart out to me. He is excited. He no longer has to be frustrated on a nightly basis. He no longer has to think he is stupid (which I told him all along he wasn't). AND.... He looks sooooo cute in his glasses!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My current purpose

Wow! As I stated in my earlier blog, so much has changed for us in the last 7 weeks. Due to unforseen circumstances, we were forced to make a decision to change churches. It was painful, it was gut wrenching, it was down right heartbreaking! I was treated horribly by a church leader, and let down by people I respected and looked up to. Then again, so was Christ! In the last seven weeks, I've reflected on a lot of things and realized that part of the reason we've gone through this is because God has been talking to us for a long time, and we resisted His voice. Change was needed for many reasons. The main reason, for our children. Their spiritual health and growth is our responsibility. We were comfortable, we were "happy" or so we thought, and we were in a rut! Christopher was getting absolutely nothing out of church, except to spend many hours watching mom and dad "serve". Caleb was just there playing with friends. For what purpose? So mom and dad could work in their "ministries". Seriously? My eyes were opened wide this week when we visited a new church and my children's eyes lit up and they asked "when are we going back to church". Christopher told me all about his "Bible book" and what he learned in Children's Church. I woke up Monday morning singing a song from the service on Sunday.... WHAT? I got my happy back! I see potential for ministry at this church, but one thing I want to be sure of this time... NEVER again, do I want to get bogged down so much in ministry that I neglect the reason I am doing the ministry, or neglect the needs of my husband or children. That being said, my current and most important purpose... Mine, my husbands, and my children's needs spiritually! Meeting those needs through church worship and at home. Being a Christian Wife first and then mother.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Down but not out!

I can't post much today, cause i'm not even supposed to be on the computer due to tendonitis and a much needed but very painful cortisone injection. The past few months (well I haven't blogged since January and we are now at June) have been POWER PACKED but I will catch u up in a few days when I am able more to type. Right now, my title is "Down but not out" and that is how I feel. Satan has been on the war path, but he is not winning. God has my family in the palm of His hand and we know He has big plans for us. Small catch up. Christopher finished first grade, and is enjoying his summer. I'll post about his little "trials" and our fix soon. Caleb has one more year at home with mommy and thinks he is a "mini-me". We are enjoying our summer and our new pool. Headed to the beach in July and can't wait! Catch up in a few days. Ta-ta for now!

Friday, January 21, 2011


Time flies when you are having fun! I just got on to see someone else's blog and realized It has been over a year since I last blogged. My baby was heading off to Kindergarten. WOW, has it been a year and a half? He's now almost half a year into first grade and my little one is 3 years old . Let's see, I'm not even gonna try to remember it all, but a major summation would be CRAZY! My dad passed away Jan. 31'st 2010. Truly one of the worst days of my life. Fred had surgery for a hernia the next day. Within a few months he went to school, retrained for a new job that turned out to not be "legit", and was unemployed until YESTERDAY. I started my own business "ForeverSmiles Photography" and have loved every moment of it! I have a new website up and running if your interested in checking out my work. Besides that, let's see, thanks to my inlaws, we took a very excited 3 year old and 7 year old to Disney World for Christmas. It was a magical trip for the whole family. Fred's parents, sister, and friend, along with us four and my mom had a fantastic time! Christopher wants to live there and Caleb wants to "go back to Disney World RIGHT NOW!". The day after we got back, i had "the rest of the story" as far as my hysterectomy goes. In other words, the doctor removed my last ovary and tons of scar tissue and adhesions. Much worse than I ever anticipated and I am still recovering, but happy to say, I am feeling better each day! My mom received her 5 year award at work just last night and I was able to go and celebrate with her. I am chairing an event at Christopher's School this next month and continue to volunteer in his class. I am also the media coordinator at our church, as well as the Children's music coordinator, where we just hired a FANTASTIC new pastor. I think that brings me up to date, except to say that as we start this new year, I am going to do much better at my blogging. I am HUNGRY for God's word and have started a new bible study and am just loving learning how to be a better Child of God! It's amazing the miracles that occur when we strive to line up with God's word... I've seen it and i'm living it! I can't wait to share with anyone who wants to read the blessings in my life!! Night for now, or should I say morning since it's 2am.!!!!! More blogs to come.....
*Walk with your eyes open, live a life examined; abide in Christ so that you can see with the eyes of Christ all the chances you have to change the world one obedient opportunity at a time.

Our Family

Our Family
We are so blessed!
