Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wow... What a year!

As we near the end of the school year, I am amazed! December found my child very unhappy, angry, unable to read at his grade level and just not the kid I once knew. Something had to change! As I've blogged before, that change happened in the form of home school via Connections Academy. What a difference this made in my life, and the life of my child. He is happy, we are closer than ever, he is reading at grade level, he's making great grades! (All A's, with 1 B by one point). We laugh, we play, we experiment. I give credit to so many people for this success! First and foremost, My God and Savior for allowing me the opportunity to share this incredible experience with my son. Second, my family and friends for supporting our endeavor and working with us when we needed help with scheduling issues with Caleb, etc... Third, Christopher had one of the most amazing teachers EVER this year, Mrs. Ashley Dickert. She has coached him, encouraged him, joked with him, pushed him, and has just been someone he could count on to see that he got to the next level! We love you Mrs. Dickert! Joy Adams, who volunteered and took on the task of tutoring Christopher in reading. What a saint she is. He literally fusses every week when it's time to go, but then comes out saying "mom that was so much fun, I love Ms. Joy". I love Ms.Joy too! I thank my son for being open enough to try this. It was a change that was necessary, but one that impacted our lives forever. Will he be going back to a public brick and mortar school next year you ask? NO! We will continue at Connections Academy and continue with the success we have begun. My daddy always told me "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". Well, there isn't a thing to fix here! Wow, What a year we had! We are done with Science and Social Studies for the year (provided we don't get the opportunity to do an extra credit project to bring that B in Science up to an A). Just Language Arts, Math, and Art. Less than a month to go. We are ready for the break, but you can rest assured we will be ready for a new year come August. 3rd Grade, here we come!!! Picture below: Christopher & Mrs. Dickert when they met at Park day!
*Walk with your eyes open, live a life examined; abide in Christ so that you can see with the eyes of Christ all the chances you have to change the world one obedient opportunity at a time.

Our Family

Our Family
We are so blessed!
