Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Looking back over the last year, it is hard to believe all that God has accomplished in our lives. I can't believe our precious son will be one tomorrow! It seems just like yesterday we got a call that we had been "chosen". In only a matter of 3 days, we were in the delivery room, watching our beautiful son be born. God is soooo good! This has been a year of firsts for us... Trying to sell a house for the first time, sending our 4 yr. old to school for the first time, watching the baby smile, speak, walk, etc... for the first time,going through (AND BEATING) cancer with a parent for the first (and hopefully only) time. I'm reminded often to cherish the moment! How precious our two sons are, I so enjoy watching all they accomplish day after day. My greatest joy is truly that my children grow up loving and fearing God, being great men of God, teaching others how to be the same, loving each other, and their families, and did I mention LOVING THEIR MOMMY?! Every time one of them smiles and says "I love you mom" I just get chills... Does God really love me that much to grant me this much joy? He must, cause I assure you I am the world's happiest wife and mother!! I reflect on the joys and heartaches my husband and I have shared. I thank God for each and every one of them, cause they've brought us so close and we share a bond that no one can break! In the uncertain economic times we are experiencing, I am glad one thing is certain... God's love for us, that He will always take care of us, and that we can depend on HIM! I pray we never lose sight of that!

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*Walk with your eyes open, live a life examined; abide in Christ so that you can see with the eyes of Christ all the chances you have to change the world one obedient opportunity at a time.

Our Family

Our Family
We are so blessed!
