Sunday, July 6, 2008

A Mom's Prayer ( I finally get it!)

Seems like I have never prayed more in my life than since becoming a mother. Everything I now do, revolves around "Lord, take care of them". I never used to worry about taking long car trips, being in large crowds, being away from home for long periods of time, or anything like that. Now it seems like the least little thing evokes a prayer for my children. Now that's not a bad thing! I decided yesterday, I have to have a little more faith. After leaving on an afternoon outing with his Nonna, I suddenly had an unexplained fear that something was wrong with my precious 4 yr. old. I knew who he was with, supposedly where he was (they took a side trip, as Nonna's like to do), and when I would see him, but suddenly, my heart was gripped with fear for his safety. After several attempts on the cell phone, I resorted (which should have been my first response) to praying. My prayer was simple "Lord, he's in Your hands, protect him". An understanding of my mother's repeated cries that "I just can't sleep when your out late" or "I worry about you when your not home" suddenly hit me square between the eyes. Is that how she felt? EXACTLY! After my prayer, I had immediate peace. Of course, all was fine, and my little angel was having a ball with his Nonna. I am so thankful for the endless prayers my mom prayed for me, and I now am so much more understanding of the feelings she had. Thank you Lord for the opportunity to be a mother and for a loving Christian mom who taught me the importance of being a Godly example to my children. Help me be a the kind of Mom you want me to be and always trust You to take care of my little boys!

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*Walk with your eyes open, live a life examined; abide in Christ so that you can see with the eyes of Christ all the chances you have to change the world one obedient opportunity at a time.

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Our Family
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