Friday, August 15, 2008

A boy, boy!

Ok, so I have this meeting at church this afternoon. I'm planning my day, laying out clothes, etc.... I proceed to tell my oldest son that I would like him to wear what I pick out today, instead of his usual and he tells me..."Mommy, I don't want to be cute, I don't want to be handsome. I want to be a boy, boy! I want my spiderman shirt, my jeans, and my flip flops and that's it. None of this cute stuff". A boy, boy? Is that anything like a manly, man? How do they get this stuff so young? I don't exactly remember, but I think at 4 or 5 years old, I was more into playing and not what I looked like. Who knows? I try so hard to instill a sense of self esteem and self worth, but it seems society is beating me to it. I can only imagine if I had a girl. More power to you girl mommies!!! As you can see from the pics above and below, there was a time he let me dress him as Prince Charming (of course it was a costume party)and now we are on t-shirts, ripped jeans, and barefooted. Where has the time gone? Going now to lay out the spiderman shirt, jeans, and flip-flops. I'm not picking that battle today! LOL :)

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